Friday, 27 July 2012

Fun Sucker

Hello world, haven been blogging for a very long time and yes, time is what i dun have these days. Really wish to have more of it.

Well, just came on board for a short while just to say

As if i dun have enough things on my list of things to do, now i have to take care of more giant babies.

I mean come on, seriously. Its just one more week to go, cant you just have some patience. Not to say anything, but  as far as I can see, I know that Im de onli person prioritizing so much on this. This has happened in the past, so much for good memories, and now its history repeating itself. I kinda foreseen that this is going to happen but all I can blame is myself for not taking control any earlier. Haihhh... i'll just stop complaining and call myself the fun sucker.....

Sunday, 15 July 2012

護花危情 (Witness Insecurity) 最幸福的事 钟嘉欣

就算雨傘破了身體濕透 沒法子

就算我向世界飛奔千百里 又再輸
就算跌過百次 再尋下次

溫室無非逃避災或雨 心鎖從來沒有鎖匙
心弦若果 頻率很類似 相看像照鏡子 淚痕仍似詩

曾想像太好 歷太多失意
孤單的滋味 天知我知

失望太多 就試多一次
不捨的思念 不可竭止
請讓我將心中句子 認真講你知

閉起門窗 誰願給耐性 心聲原來是最真誠
失眠日子 年月很動聽 天際倦到再黑 夜闌仍有星

曾想像太好 歷太多失意
孤單的滋味 天知我知

曾失望太多 就試多一次
請讓我將心中句子 認真講你知

Well, here's a quick update. This is the latest TVB show i'm watching and i totally think its better than the other one. Anyways, totally loving the character of Linda in the show. You should totally check it out. =)
